


inustrialThe Industrial Pretreatment Program is a division of the Jefferson County Environmental Services Department that is responsible for the regulation of discharges from industrial and commercial users to the County’s publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and sanitary sewer system. Industrial Users (IUs) are required to obtain permits or other control mechanisms to discharge pollutants into the POTW. The Industrial Pretreatment program must enforce all national pretreatment standards and regulations Industrial Pretreatment personnel inspect and collect samples at industrial and commercial sites.

Pay Industrial Pretreatment Bill Online

A per transaction convenience fee will be charged by the payment processing company for this service: 

 Credit Card: 2.35% or $1.95 Minimum

For specific questions regarding the Industrial Pretreatment Program please contact staff at (205) 238-3878 or (205) 238-3866.