BID ARCHIVE (Closed Bids)
Five Mile Creek Vertical Conveyor Drive Conversion NTB 10.17.2015.pdf
FM 2015 Improvements NOTICE TO BIDDERS Final.pdf
00100 Notice to Bidders Advertisement Cahaba Trussville TMDL Phase II.pdf
Five Mile Addendum -4 - Bid Date.pdf
Five Mile Addendum No3 - Plans and Specs.pdf
Five Mile Addendum -2 - BID AND PAYMENT BONDS.pdf
Jefferson County Residential Garbage and Trash Collection Bid Documents.pdf
Five Mile Creek WWTP Influent Pump Control Modifications - NTB.pdf
Five Mile Creek WWTP Influent Pump Control Modifications - Bid Package.pdf
2014 Sanitary Sewer Repair and Replacement Contract 1
2013 Sewer Line Point Repairs Contract
Cahaba River and Trussville Wastewater Treatment Plants Phase 1 TMDL Improvements